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Meet Our Writers

We will have a variety of authors, both from within and outside of the Global Health and Innovation teams at the ApiJect family, but two will appear most often.

Ed Kelley, Ph.D.
Ed Kelley is Chief Global Health Officer for ApiJect and its sister company, ApiLabs and has worked for 30 years in public health internationally and nationally. He has previously served as Director of Integrated Health Services for the World Health Organization, Director of the U.S. National Healthcare Reports for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Congress and for US Agency for International Development initiatives in West and North Africa and Latin America. 

Paul Rutter, M.D. 
Paul Rutter is Medical Director at ApiLabs, and a global health physician. He has previously served as Chief Operations Officer of WHO’s global polio eradication program; Regional Health Adviser for UNICEF in South Asia; and clinical adviser to England’s Chief Medical Officer. 


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Insights on global health issues and stories, from leaders at the ApiJect Global Health and Innovation teams. Learn more at apiject.com.


GLOBE is a periodic newsletter produced by the Global Health team at ApiJect. Learn more about ApiJect and our commitment to improving the safety and accessibility of injectable medicines in all markets through innovation at www.apiject.com.